M2M Roaming Playbook Published by Innovative Operators
4th May 2023. London, UK, Innovative Operators, the non-profit organisation run by Mobile Operators and focussed on International Roaming, is pleased to announce the publication of the M2M Roaming Playbook. The document is based on the work of Mobile Operators globally who have shared insights and opinions while contributing to the M2M Roaming Lab. The playbook is designed to guide Mobile Operators in implementing Machine-to-Machine (M2M) roaming services to enhance their global M2M offerings.
Mobile Operators often feel that the lack of optimization of M2M Roaming holds them back. Although many useful best practices have been generated in the past 15 years, a complete end-to-end approach to how to leverage the opportunity has not been fully defined. The M2M Roaming Playbook starts to address this gap and provides practical tips for success, as well as case studies and best practices. As with all Playbooks of IO, the document will be updated on an annual basis.
The M2M Roaming Playbook offers a comprehensive guide to M2M roaming services and covers key topics such as the future expectations for M2M Roaming, M2M Roaming Definition, Traffic Verification Models, Permanent Roaming, Billing and Charging considerations, Testing considerations, and business models. The playbook provides numerous approaches to implement M2M roaming services, including best practices and practical tips for success.
“We are excited to launch the M2M Roaming Playbook, composed of insights from the first year of the M2M Lab, which we believe will be a valuable resource for Mobile Operators looking to enhance their M2M offerings,” said Jason Bryan, Director General of IO. “As M2M connectivity becomes increasingly important in a globalised world, we believe that the IO playbook will help Mobile Operators navigate how best to handle M2M Roaming between Roaming partners internationally.”
The playbook is available to members of Innovative Operators and can be downloaded from IO Mobilize.
For more information about the Playbook or Membership of IO, please contact: info@innovativeoperators.io
About Innovative Operators (IO)
Innovative Operators has been providing a forum for innovative development of roaming for two years, and with a commitment to the development of roaming as a service, IO is dedicated to helping Mobile Operators achieve their goals for wholesale roaming with workshops, educational documents, and initiatives to identify innovations in wholesale roaming. For more information, please contact info@innovativeoperators.io.